Student Handbook

Inclement Weather

Inclement weather, especially winter ice and snow, occasionally makes it difficult for students to attend school. The faculty and staff of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Oneida/Huntsville are concerned with the safety of each student during inclement weather. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology Oneida/Huntsville will take one of the following steps during inclement conditions.

  1. Remain open as normal.
  2. Close completely with the day(s) being made up within the same term at the direction of administration and approved by TBR.
  3. Remain open and operate on a hybrid learning schedule with students and faculty completing scheduled class hours virtually. Students must participate for the full schedule of class hours to be considered in attendance. (NOTE: This option is ONLY available during school emergencies at the discretion of the College President or designee. Hybrid learning is NOT available for student or faculty absences for other reasons unrelated to an emergency situation.)
  4. Operate on a modified school schedule since so often many roads are usually clear by mid-morning.
  5. Classes will be dismissed at any time during the training day or evening if weather conditions deem it necessary.

If the college remains open during events of snow, ice, or other severe weather conditions, students should use their own judgment in deciding whether to travel to school. It will be the responsibility of the student to provide documentation for unusual and extenuating circumstances.

When weather conditions are severe, information regarding College closing will be provided for announcement to the following at the earliest possible:

  • Local TV and Radio Stations
  • Emergency Alert System (for students who enroll to receive notifications)

​Do not confuse announcements regarding TCAT Oneida/Huntsville with Community Colleges, Universities, or Public Schools. Any instructional time lost due to College closures will be made up on days designated by Administration and approved by TBR. All make-up days will be completed during the term in which the closure occurs. Generally, when deemed necessary, other scheduled student holidays may be used as make-up time.